L100 Bubble Tube Liquid Level System

Precision Transmission of Liquid Level in Open Tanks

The Dahl L100 Bubble-Tube Level System is a fully self contained instrument, requiring only connections to air or gas supply, dip tube and electrical power source to provide precise level indication. Because only the stationary dip tube and the purge gas come in contact with the liquid, this system is ideal for applications involving hazardous locations or liquids which are highly corrosive, viscous, hot, (molten metal), explosive, slurry type or floodstuff. In addition, the electronic output from the L100 is compatible with almost all analog instrumentation, including local and remotely-located indicators, computers, data loggers, recorders and controllers.

L100 Bubble-Tube Liquid Level System
Specification - data sheet
L100 Spec.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.3 MB]
L100 specifications
Short form specifications
L100 specifications.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [60.3 KB]
L100 Bubble-Tube Level System
L100 instructions
Adobe Acrobat document [1.7 MB]






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RIBA - Type RP200 


Precision pressure regulator 1/8" connection


RP200 serves flow control up to 300 l/min.
The large control range from vacuum to 70 bar overpressure of this regulator facilitates a broad spectrum of applications.




Vacuum to High Precision

Back Pressure Regulators

Low flow to High flow

Wide range of materials of construction to meet specific application requirements




Resolutionair Pinch Valve

Proportional Pinch Valve step and motor Linear actuator technology .0005"/step linear travel.

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